CS-CORE for cell-type-specific co-expression analysis
This vignette shows an example of applying CS-CORE
infer cell-type-specific co-expression networks and extracting
co-expressed gene modules that are enriched for biological functions in
cell types.
1. Load packages and data
In this vignette, we use the single cell RNA-sequencing data on Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from COVID patients and healthy controls from Wilk et al., which were also studied in our manuscript. This data set can be downloaded via the following bash script
wget https://hosted-matrices-prod.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Single_cell_atlas_of_peripheral_immune_response_to_SARS_CoV_2_infection-25/blish_covid.seu.rds
After downloading blish_covid.seu.rds, we load it into the R session
pbmc <- readRDS('data/blish_covid.seu.rds')
# Use the original UMI counts stored in Assay 'RNA'
DefaultAssay(pbmc) <- 'RNA'
2. Select cell types and gene sets to study
In this example, we focus on B cells and infer the B cell-specific co-expression network.
pbmc_B = pbmc[,pbmc$cell.type.coarse %in% 'B']
Depending on the biological question of interest, one may choose to study the co-expression network for any gene set. Here, we chose to infer the co-expression network for the genes with meaningful expression levels in B cells (top 5000 among 26361 genes). There are several reasons for our choice:
All genes with moderate to high expression levels provides a comprehensive and unbiased set of genes that could have meaningful biological functions in a cell type.
If the genes have much lower expression levels, it would be statistically more challenging and biologically less interesting to infer their co-expressions, as these genes might have almost all UMI counts equal to 0.
In general, it will be up to the users’s choice to select the gene sets to study. We recommend choosing the gene sets that are of interest to your application.
3. Run CS-CORE
to infer cell-type-specific
co-expression network on the specified gene set
We further subset the B cells to those from healthy control subjects in order to study B-cell specific co-expression network among healthy control B cells.
pbmc_B_healthy <- pbmc_B[, pbmc_B$Status == "Healthy"]
with the subsetted Seurat object and a gene
set of interest.
CSCORE_result <- CSCORE(pbmc_B_healthy, genes = genes_selected)
4. Downstream analysis on the co-expression network
4.1 Extract co-expressed gene module
Given the CS-CORE
\(p\)-values, we first set co-expressions
that are not statistically significant (Benjamini &
Hochberg-adjusted \(p\)-values \(>0.05\)) to 0.
# Obtain CS-CORE co-expression estimates
CSCORE_coexp <- CSCORE_result$est
# Obtain BH-adjusted p values
CSCORE_p <- CSCORE_result$p_value
p_matrix_BH = matrix(0, length(genes_selected), length(genes_selected))
p_matrix_BH[upper.tri(p_matrix_BH)] = p.adjust(CSCORE_p[upper.tri(CSCORE_p)], method = "BH")
p_matrix_BH <- p_matrix_BH + t(p_matrix_BH)
# Set co-expression entires with BH-adjusted p-values greater than 0.05 to 0
CSCORE_coexp[p_matrix_BH > 0.05] <- 0
Next, based on the thresholded co-expression matrix, we apply WGCNA
to extract co-expressed gene modules. In particular, we use
estimates to measure co-expressions for single cell
RNA-sequencing data, which replace the Pearson correlations used in
traditional WGNCA workflow, that suffer from inflated false positives
and attenuation bias on single cell data as demonstrated in our manuscript.
# Compute the adjacency matrix based on the co-expression matrix
adj = WGCNA::adjacency.fromSimilarity(abs(CSCORE_coexp), power = 1)
# Compute the topological overlap matrix
TOM = WGCNA::TOMsimilarity(adj)
dissTOM = 1-TOM
rownames(dissTOM) <- colnames(dissTOM) <- genes_selected
# Run hierarchical clustering as in the WGCNA workflow
hclust_dist = hclust(as.dist(dissTOM), method = "average")
memb = dynamicTreeCut::cutreeDynamic(dendro = hclust_dist,
distM = dissTOM,
deepSplit = 2,
pamRespectsDendro = FALSE,
minClusterSize = 10)
# For more instructions on how to tune the parameters in the WGCNA workflow,
# please refer to https://horvath.genetics.ucla.edu/html/CoexpressionNetwork/Rpackages/WGCNA/Tutorials/
names(memb) = genes_selected
memb_tab <- table(memb)
module_list = lapply(sort(unique(memb)), function(i_k) names(which(memb == i_k)))
One can also apply other clustering methods to extract co-expressed gene modules.
4.2 Functional enrichment analysis
Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis is one of the common
downstream functional enrichment analyses for interpreting the
biological pathways implied by co-expressed gene modules. Here, we
showcase the GO pathways enriched in CS-CORE
gene modules using the R implementation from Wu et al..
if (!require(clusterProfiler)) {
# Set all genes in clustering analysis as background,
# such that the enrichment result of any module is not attributed to its high expression levels.
universe <- genes_selected
# Filter GO terms based on BH-adjusted p values < 0.05
## Note: the following codes can take a long time to run as
## in this example there are more than 100 co-expressed gene modules from WGCNA
ego_result <- lapply(1:length(module_list), function(i){
enrichGO(gene = module_list[[i]],
OrgDb = 'org.Hs.eg.db', # human
keyType = "SYMBOL",
ont = "ALL",
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
universe = universe,
pvalueCutoff = 0.05)
There are in total 144 gene modules inferred by WGCNA. For illustrative purposes, we focus on the modules with the strongest enrichment signals (with at least one GO term having adjusted \(p\)-value smaller than \(10^{-3}\) and with at least 10 enriched GO terms) and print the top 3 GO terms.
top_enrich_clusters <- which(sapply(ego_result, function(x)
(x@result$p.adjust[1] < 0.001) & (dim(x)[1]>10)))
top_enrich_go <- lapply(top_enrich_clusters, function(i) ego_result[[i]]@result[1:3,])
for(i in 1:length(top_enrich_go)){
print(top_enrich_go[[i]][, c('Description', 'GeneRatio', 'p.adjust')])
#> Description GeneRatio p.adjust
#> GO:0002181 cytoplasmic translation 83/232 1.289669e-80
#> GO:0006412 translation 94/232 3.123690e-43
#> GO:0043043 peptide biosynthetic process 94/232 3.123690e-43
#> Description GeneRatio p.adjust
#> GO:0030029 actin filament-based process 21/107 0.0002847674
#> GO:0030036 actin cytoskeleton organization 20/107 0.0002847674
#> GO:0007015 actin filament organization 16/107 0.0004358998
#> Description
#> GO:0019886 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class II
#> GO:0002495 antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class II
#> GO:0002399 MHC class II protein complex assembly
#> GeneRatio p.adjust
#> GO:0019886 14/109 7.766970e-16
#> GO:0002495 14/109 1.036171e-15
#> GO:0002399 12/109 1.036171e-15
#> Description GeneRatio p.adjust
#> GO:0002250 adaptive immune response 13/37 4.972114e-05
#> GO:0006910 phagocytosis, recognition 6/37 4.114611e-04
#> GO:0042113 B cell activation 10/37 4.114611e-04
#> Description GeneRatio p.adjust
#> GO:0035455 response to interferon-alpha 4/25 0.0001664956
#> GO:0009615 response to virus 8/25 0.0004724418
#> GO:0051607 defense response to virus 7/25 0.0004724418
At this point, we have reproduced the results in our manuscript, Table S6.
This concludes our vignette of using CS-CORE
to infer
cell-type-specific co-expression networks and a typical pipeline for
extracting co-expressed gene modules and performing functional
enrichment analysis.
One can also perform a differential co-expression analysis based on the codes provided here. For example, the inferred network of healthy B cells can be constrasted to the network inferred with B cells from the COVID-19 patients to study dysregulation in B cells’ co-expression due to COVID-19 infection. For more details please refer the the methods in our manuscript.
Stay tuned! We are also working on a pipeline for
cell-type-specific module-trait association analyses with single cell
RNA-seq data based on CS-CORE
developed here.